Managing your company's samples made simple
Easily keep track of 100% of your samples in one convenient place, using only your phone.
Everything you need to manage samples!
Save tons of time tracking down samples. No more having to keep up with Excel sheets that get quickly get out of sync.
View sample list and effortlessly filter by location, manufacturer or name. No more wasting time tracking down what you need.
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Sample Pal is still in the development stage. Sign up below to be notified as soon as it's ready.
Frequently asked questions
How much does this cost?
We are still working on the pricing structure. Feel free to give us constructive feedback on this issue. What would it be worth to you and your business?
Do I need any special equipment to use this app?
Nope! That’s the best part. The only thing you need is a phone, which every outside salesperson has on them at all times!
Is this an app on my phone?
Yes! This functions just like an app on your phone, complete with a cute icon. However, it’s important to note that, at this time, it is not currently a native app for iPhones or Androids. It’s called a progressive web app. Our staff will help your staff put it on their phones correctly so that they’ll never even notice it’s not a native app once it’s installed. We do hope to make native apps for both iOS and Android in the future, but financially that’s not possible at this time.
When will it be available?
We are planning to formally launch it in the fourth quarter of 2024.
Can this be used for any industry that manages a sample inventory?
Sample Pal has been developed for the architectural lighting industry, with agents and manufacturers in mind. Having said that, we know that there are many industries that service the A&D community that have sample inventories. We would love to hear if you’re interested in this product and how we can tailor it for your industry.
Who are you?
We’re the unicorn team, we like to joke. Angela has 20 years of experience in the architectural lighting industry. She has worked as a lighting designer, been both inside and outside staff for manufacturers, and now works full-time at a lighting agency. Doug has been a software engineer for 15 years. He has worked for some big tech companies whose names you’d recognize, as well as small startups.
How did you come up with Sample Pal?
Doug loves solving problems. Angela loves complaining about problems. One day, Angela complained about an aggravating problem she had finding samples for customers in a timely manner. Many emails, many phone calls, searching, getting inside staff involved - it’s such a waste of time! Doug said, “I can solve that.” So he did.
How do I get my samples in the system?
There are two ways. First, Sample Pal also has a desktop site. You can upload a CSV of your sample inventory to have it automatically populate the system. We’ll provide a template to make it easy to set up this CSV. Second, you can add samples one at a time through the app. This is also the most convenient way to add new samples as they come in.
Can I export my sample inventory?
Yes! You can easily download your inventory as a CSV. You can even filter your inventory and download only the filtered set. This can be useful if a manufacturer wants to know what samples you have.